I’ve been playing
X-Wing seriously since around the beginning of this year. I bought
the core set over a year ago but it sat on the shelf for months, then
found a bit of (very) casual play over last summer. Between summer
and New Years, I started buying up expansions but at that point I
didn’t really have anyone to play with. Then, during a fairly quiet
new year’s eve I gave Joel a game, he loved it and we were off!
With a few months of Tuesday night X-Wing (at Dark Sphere in
Waterloo) and six or seven tournaments under our belt, we booked our
tickets to play at regionals. This was big! it would be our
equivalent to Worlds. The biggest event in our X-Wing calendar and we
were excited!
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Warboar! With some Imperial intruders |
I’ve been getting
quite a bit of practice in on Vassal and I was pretty set on my list.
It’s the same as the last tourney I wrote a report on. Here it is
Chewie – Lone Wolf
/ C-3PO / Luke Skywalker / title – 55 points
Chopper –
Autoblaster turret / Fire Control System / Zeb / Han Solo
For a more detailed
explanation of why I chose this list, read my last post, here.
So the day rolled
round and I arrived at Warboar in Bromley just before 8am (bleary
eyed because, of course, I had been up late on Vassal… practicing!)
Joel had got there a while before and had been the first to register!
The turnout, I
believe, was 96 players and after a bit of pre-battle banter with the
lovely Mark Radford (from Marquee Models in Harlow), the first round
pairings were put up and we all headed off to our tables:
Round 1 vs Sam Page
Carnor – PTL / title / Stealth Device / Autothrusters
Omega Leader – Juke / Comm Relay / Twin Ion Engine Mk. 2
Kagi – Palp / Sensor Jammer
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Die Omega Leader! Die! |
This was a great
start to the day, Sam was a very friendly opponent and the pre-game
chat was forthcoming. It turns out, Sam runs a gaming club called Mid Sussex War Gamers in Grinstead, unfortunately, due to being Hertford
based, I can’t really get to Grinstead but if it’s near, why
don’t you pop down and give it a look? If they are all as friendly
as Sam, you’ll have a good laugh!
Anyway, the match; I
set up with both my ships buddying up in the left bottom corner. It
was either this, or Chopper in the left corner and Chewie towards the
middle of the board (so as to proc Lone Wolf from the start). I
really didn’t know whether this was a good choice (this would be a
recurring theme) but I did it, so I had to live with it.
The start of the
match wasn’t so good really. Chopper went down pretty early and the
only damage to Sam’s list was 2 shields autoblasted off his Omega
Leader… bad times. However, the tide was soon to turn. Chewie took
down Omega Leader next turn, I was back in it. I’m really proud of
this next bit... I proceeded to block Carnor every turn whilst taking
pot shots at Kagi (who was currently in the long process of turning
to face me)... Kagi died. Then followed the standard Chewie vs
<insert ship name> endgame; many evade actions and 3PO guesses.
This was a bit more difficult as I had to stay out of range 1 of
Carnor to make use of my evade, I managed this most turns. In the end
it was just a case of hoping Sam whiffed his green rolls before
Carnor got too many shots into Chewie. Sam did whiff a green roll in
the end and with Carnor on 2 health and 3 greens, it was only a
matter of time.
Win 100-72
Game 2 vs James
2 x Scout –
Deadeye / Plasma torps / Extra Munitions / Overclocked R4 / Guidance
N’dru Suhlak –
Cluster Missiles / Crackshot / Glitterstim / Guidance Chips
Binary Pirate
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A good place to put a Chewie? Not so much! |
Round 2 and here I
am playing James Dowdall from the 186th Squadron podcast!
Maybe this is it? Maybe I’ve reached the big X-Wing leagues? Maybe
if I impress James, I would get invited into the coveted 186th
squadron? Maybe I could even get a 186th Squadron
t-shirt??? (not star struck, honest)
Well Red, keep
dreaming because what followed was not a smooth sophisticated
demonstration of my prowess on the mat but an absolute schooling on
how not to position my ships.
I decided that my
setup for the last match was one of the reasons it was so close so I
decided to go with my other option, Chopper on one side of the mat
(this time, on the right) and Chewie in the middle.
No combat in round
1. Round 2 rolls around and after movement, I had realised that my
Chewie was not long for this world. He was within range 2 of N’Dru
and range 3 of both scouts. This is what went down…
N’dru, Cluster
Missles at Chewie. N’dru was far from his allies so that was 2 four
dice attacks against Chewie. Oh, yea and also, James had
Glitterstimmed N’dru. Long story short, 8 damage on Chewie…
because crackshot and bad greens.
Chewie and Chopper
vs Binarye; dead binarye (well, I thought I’d take out something…
yes, I know it was bait!)
Scout one; plasmas
on Chewie, another 3 hits (yay green!). Scout two; plasmas on Chewie…
dead Chewie… * sad face *
Chewie dead in one round. That is not
not to be too downhearted, I ploughed on with Chopper. And what a
trooper he was, before going down, he killed a jumpmaster and took
all the shields off the other one. In the end, it wasn’t quite
the trouncing I thought it was going to be. Still
pretty shoddy though.
Loss 44-100
*** bonus ***
now get to tick off James’ name from my
scorecard. So far, I’ve got Mike Dennis and James Dowdall… I’ll
you Alex Birt, one day!
Game 3 vs Nathan Phillips
Manaroo – Punishing One / Unhinged Astromech / Engine Upgrade /
Push The Limit / K4 Security Droid
Latts Razzi – Feedback Array / Engine Upgrade / K4 Security Droid /
4-LOM / Dengar / Mangler Cannon
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The Ghost is off it's base again... silly Chopper! |
met Nathan earlier in the day. Whilst waiting for my game with Sam
Page to begin, Nathan and I had been talking about my list, he said
he’d read about the Lone Wolf / 3PO synergy on
a blog somewhere… turned out it was this
blog (I have a reader!!!) We also chatted about his list that he was
running today.
When we faced each other we knew what we were up against. My list
relies on Chewie using his evade token and rolling his one dice
(because you need to roll a green to use 3PO or Lone Wolf) so
Nathan’s Latts build seems like the perfect counter to my Chewie,
effectively negating 6 points of my list straight away!
We both knew what had to happen. From my perspective, Latts had to
die. From Nathan’s perspective, Chewie had to die. We set up
opposite each other and got to business!
was so desperate to take out Latts that I was actually taking target
locks with Chewie! (I never do that). Our
ships met in the middle of the map in a place called Bump City! I
managed to get Chewie behind Latts and take her out… Relief! No
more decreasing agility or stopping me spending tokens and in
addition to that, I’d negated Manaroo’s ability as well. She
can’t hand tokens off to anyone if there’s no one else left
Then it came down to, the old 3PO evade malarky again until Manaroo
was dead. During this point, I got into a position where I had shot
Manaroo and Nathan would have either taken one hit OR could have used
his focus token to evade it (triggering Luke). I warned him about
this (because of what happened at my last tournament) and he said he
had remembered about Luke but was trying to avoid as much damage as
possible. He also said he’d remembered reading about that on
the blog as well.
Win 100-44
Game 4 vs Stephen Donn
IG88B – Crack Shot / Advanced Sensors / Tractor Beam / Mangler
Cannon / Glitterstim / title / Autothrusters
IG88C - Crack Shot / Advanced Sensors / Tractor Beam / Mangler Cannon
/ Glitterstim / title / Autothrusters
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This is Chewie about to get hurt! |
Well, I’ve never played against Bro Bots in a competitive setting
until today so I didn’t really know what to expect, I knew they
were maneuverable and that in theory, I should go for IG88B first to
shut down the gunner ability.
as is the usual occurrence in these games, Chopper faired
pretty badly
early on.
I had only
taken out 2 of IGCs shields and
was poised to do some more damage
Blinded Pilot!!! So annoying. Then Chopper died. * more sad face *
Proud moment of the day number two: I managed to block IGB with
Chewie every turn until I finally killed IGC. This meant I was only
taking shots from one and most turns I was taking a damage but when
your opponent has a gunner ability, that’s the best you can hope
So a pretty much full health IGB against a half health Chewie. Cue,
autothrusters, 3PO, evade, Lone Wolf shinanigans. It could have gone
either way but a few turns later, IGB got a Loose Stabilizer crit and
when, on the last turn of combat IGB misjudged a sloop and Chewie (on
one hull) was just out of arc, I rolled well and killed IGB.
Damn, that was one hell of a nail-biter!!!
Win 100-72
Interlude 1 ***
You know what? I’m 3-1. If I win my next two games, I’m in the
cut. If I win one of my next two games I could
be in the cut.
Joel: Wow!
out laughing
End of interlude 1 ***
Game 5 vs Dan Rodwell
4 x Black Squadron Pilot – Crack Shot
Zeta Leader – Crack Shot
Howlrunner – Crack Shot
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A pretty daunting sight. |
A TIE swarm! I’ve never played against one of these either!
(Although I did use one in a Vassal game against Joel a few days
before this… the exact same list actually)
Fun fact: This is the same list Dallas Parker is flying at the
moment according to Mynock Squadron Podcast.
I got initiative and gummed up the middle of the board with
asteroids. Mission one completed!
I then set Chopper up in the bottom right hand corner. After a bit of
deliberation, Sam set up his swarm opposite Chopper (jousting time!)
Here follows my first mistake. I set Chewie up next to Chopper.
I really should have known better than that. Chewie doesn’t joust!
Especially not with multiple ships!!!
we went forward. Ramming speed, unfortunately, my ramming speed was
not quite enough and everyone landed within range one of each other
no one bumped into Chopper. Dan Knew he had to kill Chewie and I knew
I had to kill Howlrunner.
I killed Howl in that first round. Yessssssss!!!! Then Dan killed
Chewie. Noooooooo!!!!
You know how sometimes, something happens in a game and it completely
changes the atmosphere? This was that point in this game. Previous to
this point, Dan had been very much, head down, concentrating, no
small talk. (not at all unpleasant though) As soon as Chewie went
down, he seemed to relax massively. To sum up the rest of this game,
I took out a Black Squadron and then he took out Chopper.
Loss 34 -100
2 ***
It was getting late, I was getting all hazy and, to quote myself
on the day, getting all “leg-hurty”. For my next opponent, I
would love something I knew how to beat. Another win would be
The final swiss pairings are up. I trace down looking for my name,
I find it “Tom Tattersall”. I trace right to see who my opponent
is, would I recognise his name? Then I saw it:
All hail our national champion and UK X-Wing darling: Jesper
*** End of Interlude 2 ***
Game 6 vs Jesper Hills
IG-88B – PTL / Advanced Sensors / Mangler Cannon / Autothrusters /
IG-88C – PTL / Advanced Sensors / Heavy Laser Cannon / Tractor Beam
/ Autothrusters / title
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Pre carnage |
other thing
I really hoped about my last round was that my opponent would be
nice, friendly, chatty, etc. As I sat down, Jesper offered me a
sweet… we were going to be OK.
So, Advanced Sensor, Push The Limit Brobots… man, they are good!
Honestly, there isn’t much narrative to this one, it was a slugfest
really, Chopper barreled in, took a few shields off and then promptly
Then another 3PO evade blah blah session. It did take him a while but
Jesper took my Chewie down before I did any more than half points on
one of his IGs.
The problem was, both IGs had shots on Chewie almost every round. I
was taking real evasive maneuvers to get out of arc of at least one
of them but with the IGs moving after Cheiwe and the added
effectiveness of boosting knowing where Chewie was ending up, plus
Jesper’s experience and instincts, it proved impossible this
The score at the end of the game was 26-100
I nearly got half points on his other IG which would have meant the
score would have been 50-100.
squeeked into the top 16 cut by 3 MoV (I think it was 3, a very small
amount, anyway) and then went on to win the entire regional. I
could have prevented Jesper from winning the regional if I had flow
even just slightly better in that last game, potentially, the
difference between me taking a focus instead of an evade in one of
those last few rounds of shooting could have made all the difference.
You know what? I’m really glad the game played out the way it did!
Well done on the win Jesper!
Loss 26-100
So, with a 3-3 result, I didn’t make the cut, (I didn’t come here
thinking I would, but it would have been nice) I came 58th
of 96 players. Still not changing the blog name! I do think I’ve
improved quite a bit over the time I’ve been flying this list. OK,
I lost against three players but man, what players!
James Dowdall finished 8th in swiss with a 5-1 record.
Dan Rodwell finished 6th in swiss with another 5-1 record.
Jesper Hills, despite finishing 16th in swiss with a 4-2
record, went on to win the day.
(It's also worth mentioning that Stephen Donn ended 13th in swiss too so I actually won against someone who made the cut!!!)
(It's also worth mentioning that Stephen Donn ended 13th in swiss too so I actually won against someone who made the cut!!!)
I would be super proud of myself if I managed to beat any of
those guys and if we are going purely on Strength of Schedule, I had
115 and there were only 7 people in the whole tournament (including
myself) who had 115 or above. So yes, today is a good day :)
On a different note, it's worth mentioning that this regionals event was also raising money for the Chartwell Cancer Trust - Tiger Children's Ward and managed to reach a staggering £2,000 in donations, raffle many, etc. What an amazing community to be a part of!
What did I learn? Engagement, engagement, engagements!
I talked to James after he trounced me about what I should have done
differently in my game, he said setting Chewie up in the middle of
the board without his buddy, Chopper, was a bad plan. It allowed
James’ list the ranges it needed, not only to engage me with his
jumps, but also to keep N’dru far enough away from his buddies to
proc his ability and throw a total of 8 red dice at my Falcon. If I’d
set up together, Chop might have been a more inviting target AND I
would have been able to fight back with both of my ships instead of,
effectively, just Chewie.
After being kicked to the curb by Dan, he said again that my setup
was my biggest mistake. I set up my Chopper first and then Dan chose
to joust me. What I should have done was to set up Chewie in
the middle, joust with Chopper, take pot shots with Chewie, then fly
away and drag his swarm through the rocks in the middle.
I’m learning all the time with this list so I’m not going to
change it, the only thing I think I may do is try out dropping
Chopper out for this.
Lothal Rebel – Autoblaster turret / FCS / Ezra / Hera (43 points)
This gives me either 2 points to play with OR a 2 point initiative
bid… which I don’t really need. Maybe I’ll put
Anti-pursuit lasers on to add to the blocking potential of a PS3
large base ship capable of doing hard one turns until the end of days
OR Flechette torps so I can shoot out of that rear arc at all ranges
(Autoblaster takes care of range 1) that everyone forgets about!
Unfortunately, that’s about it for my competitive X-Wing flying for
a while (the cons of working Saturdays over the Summer unfortunately)
I’ll still be on Vassal as much as I can be so message me on there
if you want a game (Red XIII) and you can usually find me and Joel
pew pewing at Dark Sphere on Tuesday evenings (we’re often down a
player so always ask, if you want a game)
Thanks to everyone who has read any of my blog posts and thanks to
all of my opponents, I think this feels like the end of chapter one
of my X-Wing career… bring on chapter two!
Red XIII standing by.