29-08-16 – Warboar
– Bromley – Defend Alderaan
If nothing else,
this tournament has solidified my love for this store. It’s so
good! The staff are friendly, the shop is always well stocked, the
events are well run (and run to time!!!) and the addition of
different formats is always fun!
Speaking of which...
The Format
Initially, all we were told is that there would be some list
limitations, these were as follows:
Up to 100pts cap per squad
No more than 50pts to be spent on a single ship
No more than 1 'Twin Laser Turrets' allowed in a list
No more than 2 'Crackshot' Elite Pilot Talents in a list
No 'Palpatine' crew card allowed
No more than 1 Jumpmaster 5000 in a list
No 'R2-D2' astromech card allowed
what does that mean? No Palp Aces, no triple Jumps, no Dengaroo, no
Fat Han, no Rebel regen, no 4 TLT Ys and no crack swarms (TIE or A-Wing). In
short, it means variety!
turns out that the format was actually a bit more in depth than that,
which we found out on the day! More about that later…
the thing… I can’t wait for Fenn Rau to get here, I’m looking
out to sea every morning just in case I catch a glimpse of that boat.
One day... one day soon! Essentially, the effect of this is that I
have been playing lots of games with my Fenn list on Vassal and
have completely forgotten how to construct lists without him!
the week leading up to this tourney I had been playing around with
some hastily put together Scum stuff. Palob, Manaroo, Kavil slowly
morphed into N’dru, Manaroo, Kavil which somehow, the night before
the tourney, morphed into a double Ghost list! (not sure how that
so this was the list:
Rebel A (50)
/ Autoblaster turret / Extra munitions / Plasma Torps / Ezra / Hera /
Anti-Pursuit lasers
Rebel B (50)
/ Autoblaster turret / Extra munitions / Conner Net / Han / Sabine /
Tactical Jammer
the thinking behind it? Well, the basics are obvious aren’t they?
36 hit points, 8 attack dice and a 5 K-turn for good measure.
more in depth, we have Lothal Rebel A who shall henceforth be known
as the Stressboat. She
gets stressed then can modify
an eye into a crit and has her whole dial open… it’s brilliant,
especially when you have a target lock on someone from FCS. Just
awesome! The addition of plasmas is because of that blind spot out of
the back of the Ghost, the Plasmas cover that in this list at range
2-3 (if you have a lock on that ship, anyway) and Autoblaster covers
range 1. That’s the idea anyway! Also, she is sporting Anti-pursuit
lasers, which proc’d once or twice during the day.
Rebel B has Han, Sabine, Conner Net and Tactical Jammer on board. Han
and FCS is also great, roll four dice and if you get more blanks, use
the TL to reroll, if you get more eyes, use the TL with Hans ability
to change them all to hits. Then get a new TL from FCS, rinse and
repeat! Conner Net; I’ve never used bombs before, but I hear these
things are quite good, especially with Sabine; 2 damage and 2 ions
and no actions. I managed to get them off a few times too! Tactical
Jammer? I had a point free soo….. yea, it never proc’d!
I should also say that the inspiration for the list came from a casual match I'd had with a Dark Sphere player, Lloyd Boman, a few weeks back. He played a slightly different variation of the double Ghost list, but it got me thinking. By pure coincidence, he turned up to this tournament as well!
So then, that’s the list. Onto the day!
we set up for our first round, Jason, the TO for the day, talked us
through the extra bits of the Defend Alderaan format. Essentially,
the battles were taking place near the Death Star (which was in the
process of powering up to destroy Alderaan) and so occasionally, the
Death Star would fire at one of our tables and potentially one-shot
one of our ships! Jason would chose a table at random then
use a d6 to determine which ship was being shot at, then the owner of
that ship would be given a number of green dice, (ranging from 5 in
the first round to 1 in the last round) they would roll these dice
and as long as they got at least one evade, the ship would remain in
play, if not… BOOM!
Will Hasslewood
Ryad – PTL / TIE/x7 / Twin Ion Engine Mk. II
Vessary – Juke / TIE/x7
Phantom – Intel Agent / Enhanced Scopes / Stygium Particle
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The first engagement of the day |
as Will arrived at the table, I noticed two things; 1) he was wearing
a 186th
Squadron T-shirt and 2) he was running two Defenders. Both of these
things filled me with ambivalence (two conflicting emotions about the
same thing!) I have had some seriously good experiences with members
of the 186; in my experience, they are always really friendly, good
natured and full of helpful advice HOWEVER I have never beaten any of
them. Defenders with /x7, they are great ships and quite fun to fly
against HOWEVER that /x7
title is hard to break through.
(spoiler!) I lost this one but it was super close and there was one
roll which could have made a huge difference. We’ll get onto that
in a short while.
we converged, I decided to concentrate all my firepower on the
Defenders and leave the PS3 Phantom until then end, after all, it’s
only PS3, what can a PS3 ship do. Oh... my mistake! A PS3 Phantom can do a
hell of a lot, when it’s not blocking me (which it did a lot, by
the way) it’s throwing four or five dice at me. Ouch!
I ended up killing of Vessary without too much trouble, Autoblaster
was my friend. Then Ryad got herself into a lovely position to drop my Conner Net
on top of but Will was one step ahead and super blocked me for a few
turns so I couldn’t drop it, bad times. It was around this time
where the fateful roll happened, Lothal Rebel A was stressed and had
the uncloaked, un-tokened Phantom at range 2, I rolled 3 crits and an
eye, with Ezra, I turned the eye to a crit. Four crits! Literally, a perfect
result! Anything
other than two evades would have been lovely but Will
rolled well and there
were those two evades. Shields down! Soon after this Rebel A died. I
did manage to take down Ryad before that pesky Phantom brought down
my second Ghost.
was a really good game and required some serious thinking on both
sides. Will also did not tarnish the 186th
rep, a great player and a very friendly chap. I’ll go after the
Phantom first next time!
Andy Harris
– Predator / C-3PO / Evade title
Squadron Pilot – PTL / Prockets / Chips
Squadron Pilot – PTL / Prockets / Chips
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All hail the Mini Ghost that Lloyd Boman lent me to help with my size issues! |
is a new player!! He had played a few games before coming and had
even brought his 10 year old son along (I think I overheard him
saying he had been playing for about a year)
played Chewie a fair bit before and as much as I love that ship, it’s
strength lies in being defensive, rather than offensive (although
Predator does help that a bit) so I decided to leave him alone for a
bit whilst I dealt with
what I believed to be the bigger threat, Procket A-wings! If those
things got into range one, they would seriously hurt! I managed to
set up a joust and took both A-wings out before they got their
Prockets off. Thank goodness for that.
have to say that I pulled some great moves in this game, I was trying
to have a nice casual game but I just kept ending up exactly where I
needed to be. Often by accident.
example, I managed to Conner Net Chewie, this then resulted in him
landing on a rock the next turn, I then moved my other Rebel in and
blocked him so he ended up staying on the rock! If only I could play
like this on purpose!
Chewie did manage to take on Rebel B but then died a turn later.
Henry Westcott
– VI / R3-A2 / Integrated Astromech
– BB8 / PTL / Autothrusters
– PTL / Autoblaster / Kanan
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This is actually all the ships in this game in one photo, most of Henry's list, however, is obscured by my massive Ghosts! |
was the third opponent in a row who was friendly and welcoming. I am
having a very good day :)
list needed serious brainpower to fly due to all the repositioning,
order of movement and intricacies of the list. For example, you have
to perform Sabine’s pilot ability before you revel the dial,
whereas Poe with BB8 works after you reveal your dial, even though
both repositioning actions happen before you perform the maneuver. It
makes sense because you have to reveal a green maneuver to proc BB8
but it’s the sort of thing that after a few games, is easy to
we ended up Jousting and in the first round of shooting, I got all of
Poe’s shields down. Good start! Next
turn, Wes ended up at range 1 of Rebel B and range 2 of Rebel A. Wes
lost his shields that time. I then 2 turned Rebel B to drop a Conner
Net on Wes (poor Wes) who ended up at range 1 of Rebel A and got
Autoblastered to hell. Soon after, I got a lucky 5 dice Target Locked
shot on Poe who died. Then it was Sabine vs two Rebels, she quickly
dealt the last few damage to Rebel B. Sabine and Rebel A had a bit of
rolled a dice to see whether it was Sabine or the Rebel being
targeted, it was Sabine… Henry rolled an evade! I’m glad. It
would have been a hollow victory if Sabine had died like that.
However, she did land herself on debris the next turn and roll a crit
to take her last hull
James Dowdall
Rebel – Autoblaster / FCS / Chopper
– R4-D6 / Integrated Astromech
Interulde one
– The Death Star is totally unopposed and WILL destroy Alderaan at
the end of this game. Only one thing can stop it! There are two Rebel
players in the top 8. James and Tom, if EITHER of you are willing to
sacrifice one of your ships you will be able to do a trench run at
the end of this game and have a 50% chance of one-shotting the Death
Star. Are either of you willing to do this?
- …
- … Biggs will do it!
End of Interlude one ***
this looked quite good for
me, my 100 point list against James’ 74 point list (pretty good
initiative bid though). As I was thinking that, Jason brought a ship
over to our table… Biggs was being replaced… by Shara Bey in her
remembered reading on facebook that someone had brought back an Arc
from Gen Con and had donated it to Jason but seeing it in the “flesh”
for the first time, it was pretty special. So now James’ list
looked like this.
Rebel – Autoblaster / FCS / Chopper
– Alliance Overhaul
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Screw Epic play, three Ghosts in close quarters, that's just awesome! |
James' list was now actually 102 points (which was definitely why he beat me.
Spoilers!) So we set up and came towards each other, my plan was to go
all guns on the Lothal Rebel and as much as possible, avoid the
others until it was dead. I realise now that I set up wrong, with
Rebel A on the outside and B on the inside, when I banked into the
middle of the board, I ended up stressing Rebel B and keeping Rebel A
unstressed. No actions on B and no Ezra modification on A. Badness. I
did actually manage to Conner Net Shara before A died though
(although I had no shots on her post ion maneuver so it was slightly
pointless but still).
Then something happened.
Interlude two ***
- The Death Star is targeting table 7 (Myself and James were on table
a roll on the d6, it is decided that the Mist Hunter is being
targeted. The Owner of the Mist Hunter fails to roll any evades.
in the room – Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo!!!
Mist Hunter is taken off the board, Jason then presents the owner of
the Mist Hunter with the ‘booby prise’, a brand new, sealed
Tantive IV
in the room - *claps*
– Right. Where were we?
– Erm… not sure...
End of Interlude two ***
now, come on! How often have you seen £60 worth of prize support at
any of these type of events? I’m talking even for the winners.
Especially with the
entry fee only being £5! Warboar,
you have out done yourselves!
back to the game! (for a few minutes, anyway)
after this, Rebel B died, then James’ Ghost died, the Shara bit the
Interlude three ***
– It’s time for Biggs to do his trench run! He is currently
unopposed and all James has to do to destroy the Death Star is roll a
hit or crit on a single red dice HOWEVER if any Imperial players want
to sacrifice a ship from their game to intercept Biggs, now is your
from table 3 raises their hand, removes Countess Ryad from the board
and shakes his opponent’s hand. He has just thrown the game… what
a guy!
and Ryad set up to
destroy/defend the Death Star, James and the owner of Ryad must each
roll one die; if Ryad rolls a hit, she destroys Biggs but if Biggs
rolls a hit, he destroys the Death Star. If both ships get the same
result, the will continue to roll until one comes out on top.
rolls, it’s an eye.
rolls, it’s a hit.
Death Star is vanquished and Jason starts playing the music from the
end of Episode VI.
– Right. Where were we?
– Erm… not sure…
End of Interlude three ***
Damaged Rebel vs a full health TLT Miranda… I got a few shields off
her but realistically, I was never going to win that one. Still, it
was actually a really good game!
to 186th
form, James was, once again, a really friendly and fantastic opponent
and (for avid readers of the blog) I think I had a better showing
this time than the last time we played. (please see the Warboar
regionals post here where James did bad things to my Chewie!)
I have realised is that I need a plan for dealing with Miranda, I’m
not sure I’ve ever actually won a game against her. That’s one
for the think tank.
I ended up placing 11th
of 29 players. Again, mid table but I’d say top of the mid table
(clawing my way up the ranks!)
did I learn? Well, I like the list, I’m not sure how it would do
against the more "meta" lists but I enjoyed playing it anyway. I think
the torps on Rebel A were a mistake though. I actually put them on
there because I knew I wouldn’t have any actions with which to drop
bombs. (otherwise I would have put Prox Mines on there) I had
dismissed reveal bombs because of my PS but I think they would still
have been more useful that the torps (seeing as I didn’t actually
get any of them off the whole day!)
few special mentions go out to Lloyd Boman for allowing me the use
of the Mini Ghost for when mine were too close to each other (have a
look at the picture from my second game to see what I mean) and Jason
from Warboar for
organising and TO-ing such a great event. I believe Ben Lee from the
had a fair bit to do with the organisation of the day as well. Thanks
to everyone!
XIII signing off for another day. Laters!
Great write up, this was the most fun tournament I have been to; I was on table 7 when the Death Star struck, sadly not the owner of the Mist Hunter! I would've actually liked my green dice to blank out on that occasion. Congrats on 11th place, 15th for me - my best placing so far!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Nothing wrong with 15th place, and honestly, I kept placing almost exactly in the middle of the field but over the last two or three tournaments, I've been creeping up a bit, just goes to show what practice can do so keep going :)
ReplyDeleteLoving your blogs - fun, informative and humble. Keep at it!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! I will :)